Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mostly Folk Playlist, August 18, 2013

Host: Terry Hayden

Immigration and cultural diversity
Listen Mr. Bilbo | Pete Seeger | Headlines and Footnotes
All Mixed Up | Pete Seeger | Live in '65
Scotland's Story | Ed Miller | Come Awa' Wi' Me
Lady of the Harbor | Brother Sun | Some Part of the Truth
The New Colossus / Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor / Motherless Child |  Kim and Reggie Harris and Rabbi Jonathan Kligler | Let My People Go!
Same Boat Now | Magpie | Looking Back, Moving Forward (Middleburgh Public Library, Aug. 21)

Speaking of cultural diversity, let's listen to some music from different cultures
Banderas de Libertad | Guardabarranco | Una Noche con Guardabarranco
Mastinchele Wachipi Olewan | David Amram and Victorio Roland Mousaa | Tomorrow’s Children

Escaping slavery
Heaven is Less Than Fair | Kim and Reggie Harris | Steal Away
John Jones | Joe Crookston | Able, Baker, Charlie and Dog
Rebecca Versailles | Tim Grimm | Wilderness Songs and Bad Man Ballads

A perspective from the other side
If it Would Only Rain | Gathering Time | Red Apples and Gold

All Night Long | Tim Grimm | Thank You Tom Paxton
Song of Hope | Rustic Riders | Among These Hills
There is Hope | Aoife Clancy | Sowing the Seeds: The Tenth Anniversary
I'm Not Gonna Give Up | Carey Creed | Small Braveries

A taste of summer
Firefly | Neal and Leandra | Stranger to My Kin
Canned Goods | Greg Brown | If I Had Known: Essential Recordings 1980-1996
Birch Are Soprano | Dan Berggren | Tongues in Trees
At The Fair | Smithfield Fair | Every New Day
Roseville Fair | Schooner Fare | Signs of Home

Closing set
The Living and the Dying | McBride, Lussen, and Wooden | Full Circle
We Shall Overcome | The Freedom Singers | The Life, Time, and Music Series: Folk
Somos El Barco [We Are the Boat] | Pete Seeger and Lorre Wyatt | A More Perfect Union